Was braucht mein Baby?


Bitte nimm mich wahr und antworte mir.

Anregung / Pausen

Bitte zeige mir deine Welt, aber lass mich diese auch selbst entdecken.


Bitte sei verlässlich in deinen Reaktionen.


Bitte hilf mir, mich zu beruhigen, wenn ich es selbst nicht (mehr) schaffe.

Was bedeutet das im täglichen Umgang?

1) Nagy, E., Pilling, K., Watt, R., Pal, A., & Orvos, H. (2017). Neonates’ responses to repeated exposure to a still face. PloS one12(8).

Ehrlich, K. B. (2019). Attachment and psychoneuroimmunology. Current opinion in psychology25, 96-100.

Mortazavizadeh, Z., & Forstmeier, S. (2018). The role of emotion regulation in the association of adult attachment and mental health: A systematic review. Archives of Psychology2(9).

Barazzone, N., Santos, I., McGowan, J., & Donaghay‐Spire, E. (2019). The links between adult attachment and post‐traumatic stress: A systematic review. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice92(1), 131-147.

Doyle, C., & Cicchetti, D. (2017). From the Cradle to the Grave: The Effect of Adverse Caregiving Environments on Attachment and Relationships Throughout the Lifespan. Clinical psychology: a publication of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association24(2), 203-217.

3) Thomas, J. C., Letourneau, N., Campbell, T. S., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., & Giesbrecht, G. F. (2017). Developmental origins of infant emotion regulation: Mediation by temperamental negativity and moderation by maternal sensitivity. Developmental psychology53(4), 611.